Friday, March 3rd, is Employee Appreciation Day. This is a national holiday that encourages employers to recognize the backbone of their business- the team members. Without these dedicated team members, employers wouldn't be able to achieve their mission.

At CSG, we often say 'Our team members are our biggest asset.' This is an idea that we truly believe in and work to fulfill. We believe in providing our team members with the tools for success. Additionally, CSG ensures our team members are consistently reminded of our gratitude for their hard work.
History of Employee Appreciation Day
Employee Appreciation Day began in 1995 as a reminder for employers to show their gratitude for their team members. Employee Appreciation Day is also intended to strengthen the relationship between employers and team members. A positive relationship between team members and employers reduces turnover rates and yields a successful business.
Companies can celebrate Employee Appreciation Day in many ways. Ways to celebrate include bringing team members lunch, having a recognition ceremony, or delivering a gift of appreciation. Any act that will make team members feel accepted and valued at their workplace is encouraged.
Team member appreciation should be a major pillar of every company. Feeling undervalued is often the top response when individuals are asked why they chose to leave a company. When team members feel undervalued for their effort they are far more likely to take their services elsewhere. This is why events like Employee Appreciation Day are so important.
CSG's Appreciation Program
Our team members are often considered the 'Heart of the House' meaning that their work is done behind the scenes. Our team members work tirelessly to ensure that guests and customers have a positive experience at the facilities they visit. Their efforts include hotel room turnovers, trash removal services at retail centers, and high-rise window washing in busy cities.

Although their list of responsibilities goes on and on, their work is a thankless job. This is why CSG is committed to showing our team members how thankful we are for them. CSG is committed to celebrating team members all year in addition to Employee Appreciation Day.
CSG has built a robust Team Member Appreciation Program that celebrated the CSG Team all year round. This program includes a community 'brag board' on our team app. Here leaders regularly post compliments and shoutouts to their team members.
Additional features of this program include an annual luncheon at each job site. At this event, all team members are recognized for their years of service at CSG. Furthermore, every month CSG recognizes a team member of the month. This is an individual who has gone above and beyond and displayed a commitment to CSG's core values.
In addition to our recognition program, CSG's managers build sincere relationships with all team members. Managers regularly visit the job sites and check in with team members. We are not only interested in their work, but also in how they are doing personally. At CSG our team members our human beings first and team members second.
CSG is committed to establishing a mutual relationship of respect and appreciation. We realize that team member cooperation and loyalty are required to maintain and improve our service and reputation. This is why we give our utmost respect and appreciation to our team members.
Celebrate Employee Appreciation Day 2023
Team members need and deserve to feel like their contribution is valued by all levels of the company. Employee Appreciation Day is one way to show gratitude toward your team members. This Friday be sure to celebrate your team members and recognize them for their amazing efforts.
Join the CSG team to grow your career and feel appreciated for the work you do!
CSG is currently hiring throughout the entire state of California. We are looking to hire housekeepers, day porters, night janitors, window washers, and more! If you or someone you know is currently seeking employment, be sure to apply at
About Contract Services Group, Inc.
Contract Services Group, Inc. (CSG) specializes in providing superior, high quality, sustainable, and reliable commercial cleaning, window cleaning, and related services to a variety of industries throughout the Southwestern United States.
CSG’s official online presence is located at