1-April 2016
Brea, CA—Helicopter buckets (helibuckets), also known as bambi buckets, are not only used to deliver water to aid in aerial firefighting anymore but are now used for exterior cleaning of high-rise buildings. Contract Services Group, Inc. (CSG) has jumped on this new use of technology and has outfitted a helicopter loaded with deionized water in its Bambi bucket. Why deionized water? The use of deionized water helps reduce the speed of buildup, as there are no minerals in the water due to the purification process. These minerals usually adhere to the glass and attract debris from the environment.
Bambi buckets hold anywhere from 72-2,600 gallons of water. The size and elevation of the high-rise building will determine which size bucket the cleaning crew will use.
It was recently discovered that using these helibuckets are the most efficient and fastest way to clean the building’s exterior and windows. The pressure released when the water is dropped onto the building has enough power to clean the windows in one quick motion, never leaving streaks.
Helibuckets usually contain fire retardant foam used to cool the fuel of the flames. However, when used in exterior cleaning, this foam is replaced with a cleaning agent to help wash away buildup from the building and deliver a protective coat to all glass material. The protective coat helps prevent damage to the windows and increases the amount of time between cleanings; saving both time and resources for the owners of the buildings.
To start saving and keeping up with the trends, hire CSG for all your exterior cleaning needs.
P.S. April Fools!
Contract Services Group, Inc. is also an ISSA CIMS Green Building Certified with Honors Contractor. To learn more about the CIMS-GB certification visit http://www.csgcares.com/cims
To learn more about Contract Services Group, Inc.’s Think Green! Clean Green! program visithttp://www.csgcares.com/why-csg/green-cleaning/.
About Contract Services Group, Inc.
Contract Services Group, Inc. provides commercial janitorial, window cleaning, and window washing systems. CSG’s online presence is located at http://www.csgcares.com and http://www.windowwashingsystems.com. CSG provides janitorial and window cleaning services throughout California, Nevada and Arizona, and provides window washing systems nation wide.
This entry was posted in Building Owners, CIMS, Commercial Janitorial Services, Contract Services Group, CSGCARES, Customer Focus, Facilities Services, Glass Scratch Removal, Green Clean, Healthy Buildings, OSHA Regulations, Save Our Water, Sustainability, Water Conservation, Window Cleaning Services, Window Washing and tagged April Fools, commercial building, conservation, Contract Services Group, facilities services, green clean, Healthy Buildings, Janitorial, window cleaners, window washingon April 1, 2016 by Jessica Lopez.